Tailored Workshops

Workshops can be tailor-made to meet your organisation's specific needs. Below is a guide of some of the topics that can be included when considering your unique requirements. Workshops can be focused on addiction, mental health or a combination of both.
Topic Examples:
Mental Health Issues Support
Understanding mental health.
Preventing mental health issues and staff burnout.
Causes of mental health issues – risk factors and protective factors.
Identifying when someone might be struggling.
Mental health screening tools.
Responding to mental health issues.
De-escalation skills.
Cognitive behavioural therapy applied to mental health.
In-depth education on specific mental health issue/s e.g. stress, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia etc.
Responding to the risk of self-harm.
Treatment services available and referral pathways.
Addictions (Alcohol & Other Drugs)
Common substances in New Zealand and their risks.
Understanding how substances affect a person.
In-depth education on specific substances e.g. methamphetamine.
Causes of addiction – risk factors and protective factors.
Withdrawal symptoms.
Recognising problematic substance use.
Screening tools for addiction.
Responding to substance use issues.
Harm reduction for AOD use.
Co-existing disorders (mental health and addiction).
Standard drinks.
Healthy drinking guidelines.
Approaching a client, staff member, or other person who is under the influence.
Introduction to motivational interviewing.
Cognitive behavioural therapy applied to addiction.
Supporting specific demographics/populations e.g. youth, older adults, women, homeless, migrant, co-existing disorders.
Treatment services available and referral pathways.